Colin Pond – a Founding Father
Colin Pond – a Founding Father
A member of the London Borough of Barking & Dagenham Council from 1998 to 2001, Colin Pond had previously contributed to shaping municipal policy as a councillor for the then independent city of Dagenham, his hometown. He was a longstanding member of the Labour Party and an active trade unionist.
His work was governed by two main interests: education for young people on the one hand and, on the other, the town twinning arrangement between Witten and Dagenham and, subsequently, Witten and Barking & Dagenham. He had numerous friends in Witten, all of whom appreciated his unique commitment and readiness to help at all times.
Before his death in 2001, after a two-year battle against cancer, Colin bequeathed his savings to a Trust Fund with the express aim of „helping young people in Barking & Dagenham and Witten to finance their continuing studies“. The Fund can provide four bursaries a year: two in Witten and two in Barking & Dagenham.
If the Fund develops as Colin imagined, then new co-founders will come on the scene and various campaigns will be organised for the benefit of the Fund. Different groups and associations will also take part so that extra money can be raised and, hopefully, so that the number of beneficiaries and the size of grant will increase.
The partnership between Witten and Barking & Dagenham was of great importance to Colin. For this reason, it is only right and fitting that we promote training schemes that reflect this international connection. Yet there are no restrictions either way. The Colin Pond Fund Mangers are open to any suggestions of an educational nature.