§ 1 Name and Registered Office
The association bears the name “Barking and Dagenham / Witten Club – Witten Department and is based in Witten. It should be entered in the register of associations at the Witten District Court.
§ 2 Purpose
- The aim of the club is to provide a forum for all those who live and work in the twin cities of Witten and Barking and Dagenham, who have an interest in this partnership and would like to develop this interest further.
- It is intended to ensure stability, support and continuity for the town twinning between the cities of Witten and Barking and Dagenham and thus contribute to international understanding.
- The club promotes twinning by participating in various events, especially social activities.
- The club offers Witten organizations, associations and clubs the opportunity to establish contacts with institutions in Barking and Dagenham.
- The club provides full information on partnership activities and organizes events / meetings, including visits from Barking and Dagenham.
§ 3 Public Benefit
The association pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes within the meaning of the section “Tax-privileged purposes of the AO”. The association is selflessly active. It does not primarily pursue economic purposes. Any funds may only be used for the statutory purpose.
The members do not receive any profit shares and in their capacity as members no other benefits from the association’s funds.
No person may benefit from administrative expenses that are alien to the purposes of the association or from disproportionately high remuneration.
§ 4 Financial year
The fiscal year is the calendar year.
§ 5 Acquisition of Membership
Membership can be acquired by any natural person who has reached the age of 18 – persons under the age of 18 with the signature of the legal guardian – and any legal person. Joining the association takes place through a written declaration to the board. This declaration can be made on a form, informally or by means of lists. The declaration of membership becomes effective if the board does not contradict it within one month.
§ 6 Loss of Membership
Membership expires
- Death,
- Exit,
- Exclusion decided by the board.
The resignation can only take place with a period of three months. Resigned members lose any claim to the association’s assets.
§ 7 Contribution
The annual membership fee is raised in a monetary amount that the general meeting sets annually in advance, with the exception of the year of foundation. Here the membership fee is set in money by the general assembly during the year of foundation.
§ 8 Board of Directors
The board of the association consists of
- the chairperson
- the deputy chairperson
- the managing director
- the treasurer
- the recorder
- the deputy treasurer
- up to three assessors
In addition, the board of directors includes the co-president and vice-co-president of the entire association with voting rights.
The honorary members, insofar as they belong to the Witten department, can attend the meetings in an advisory capacity.
The association is represented in and out of court by two members of the board.
The board is elected by the general assembly for a period of three years. He remains in office until the new board is elected.
The election of the board takes place by acclamation, as far as the general assembly does not determine secret elections with a majority of votes. Only members of the association can be elected as board members.
If a member of the board of directors resigns prematurely, the board of directors can elect a successor for the remaining term of office of the resigned member.
The board of directors decides in meetings that are called by the chairperson or, if he / she is prevented from doing so, by the deputy chairperson. The agenda does not need to be announced. A notice period of one week should be adhered to.
The board has a quorum if at least half of the members are present. The majority of the valid votes cast decides the resolution; in the event of a tie, the vote of the chairperson decides, in his / her absence that of the deputy chairperson.
The board of directors can resolve in writing if all board members agree to the subject of the resolution.
§ 9 General Assembly
The general meeting takes place once a year as an annual general meeting. The chairman can convene further general assemblies if necessary. The chairperson must convene them if the board of directors or one fifth of the members of the association request this in writing.
The general meetings are reserved
- the discharge of the board,
- the election of the board and two auditors
- the determination of the membership fee,
- the amendment of the statutes
- the dissolution of the association
§ 2 (purpose) and § 5 (non-profit status) of the statutes can be changed by the board of directors. In particular, the charitable status of the association must be ensured.
For the change of the statutes and the dissolution of the association the presence of at least half of the members and a majority of two thirds of the members present are required. If, in these cases, a matter has been postponed due to the lack of a quorum and if the general meeting is convened again on the same subject, it will make a decision regardless of the number of people present.
Invitations to all general assemblies must be given in writing within two weeks, stating the agenda.
§ 10 Transcript
Minutes must be drawn up about the decision taken by the board and the general assembly, which is to be signed by the chairman and the secretary.
§ 11 Dissolution
The dissolution of the association can only be decided in a general meeting if it was expressly mentioned as an item on the agenda in the invitation. In the event of the dissolution and dissolution of the association or if its previous purpose ceases to exist, the association’s assets fall to the city of Witten with the condition that they may only be used for the purpose specified in § 2 of these statutes. If the purpose cannot be fulfilled, the funds are to be used for other non-profit organizations.
§ 12 Entry into force
These statutes come into force on the day they are passed.