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Colin Pond Foundation

The Colin Pond Foundation was set up in 2001 as a Trust Fund to provide grants for young people engaged on a professional training course. The main stipulation is that the apprenticeship, training course or study programme lead to a recognised qualification.

Who is eligible for a grant?
Young adults between the age of 18 and 30 who come from Witten, Barking or Dagenham, who are on a recognised training course and who would not normally be able to complete the course without financial support.

International training
Applications with an international character – particularly if they relate to the Barking & Dagenham and Witten Twin Town Arrangement – will be preferred.

Amount of grant
As a rule, the Colin Pond Foundation may award an individual applicant a sum of up to € 2,300.00.

Anyone interested in receiving a grant from the Colin Pond Foundation should apply in writing to the Trustees’ secretary, setting out the aim and purpose of the training course. At the end of the grant period, they will be expected to submit a progress report.

Applicants must explain what exact goal of the selected training course is.
They must give good reason that the grant is essential and that – through the grant and other financial means completion of the training course is an assured prospect.
If grant money from the Trust Fund is to be used to purchase equipment relevant to a recognised training course, then this must be made explicit in the application.
At their discretion, the Trustees may invite the applicants to attend an interview.
The grants may be paid out in instalments. If the training course is not completed as indicated, the Trustees are entitled to demand repayment or part repayment.
The Trustees reserve the right to make contact with the organisers of a training course in the event of lack of clarity as to course recognition or applicant aptitude.

The Trustees
Erich Bremm
Klaus Lohmann
Birgit Legel-Wood

Erich Bremm

A Founding Father

Colin PondA member of the London Borough of Barking & Dagenham Council from 1998 to 2001, Colin Pond had previously contributed to shaping municipal policy as a councillor for the then independent city of Dagenham, his hometown. He was a longstanding member of the Labour Party and an active trade unionist.

His work was governed by two main interests: education for young people on the one hand and, on the other, the town twinning arrangement between Witten and Dagenham and, subsequently, Witten and Barking & Dagenham. He had numerous friends in Witten, all of whom appreciated his unique commitment and readiness to help at all times.

Before his death in 2001, after a two-year battle against cancer, Colin bequeathed his savings to a Trust Fund with the express aim of “helping young people in Barking & Dagenham and Witten to finance their continuing studies”. The Fund can provide four bursaries a year: two in Witten and two in Barking & Dagenham.

If the Fund develops as Colin imagined, then new co-founders will come on the scene and various campaigns will be organised for the benefit of the Fund. Different groups and associations will also take part so that extra money can be raised and, hopefully, so that the number of beneficiaries and the size of grant will increase.

The partnership between Witten and Barking & Dagenham was of great importance to Colin. For this reason, it is only right and fitting that we promote training schemes that reflect this international connection. Yet there are no restrictions either way. The Colin Pond Fund Mangers are open to any suggestions of an educational nature.

Club address

Barking & Dagenham Witten Club e.V.
Fredi-Ostermann-Straße 1
58454 Witten, Germany
